JavaCard 3.0.1 Classic Contactless

(J3A081==>) J3D081 JCOP v2.4.2 R2

This JavaCard 3.0.1 Classic implementation by NXP is the brand new CL (RFID/contactless) edition of JCOP.

This product (J3D081 with JCOP v2.4.2 R2 and JavaCard 3.0.1 as successor of the J3A080 and J3A081) is targeted at the convergence of e-government, banking, and transport applications, reducing cost of development.

Java Card refers to a smartcard operating system that allows Java-based applets to be run securely on smart cards. The JCOP Java Card implementation on smart cards relies on GlobalPlatform specifications for the secure management of applets on the card (download, installation, personalization, deletion of card applications).

Warranty: 24 months



  • Product overview

This JavaCard 3.0.1 Classic implementation by NXP is the brand new CL (RFID/contactless) edition of JCOP.

This product is targeted at the convergence of e-government, banking, and transport applications, reducing cost of development.

The support for a contactless interface makes this JCOP a highly convenient and integrative software.
The product is available on 80kB EEPROM chips, dual-interface with DESFire EV1 8k emulation.

JavaCard 3.0.1 Classic (JCOP v2.4.2 R2, GlobalPlatform 2.2.1) 80 KByte EEPROM, DI, DESFire EV1 8k emulation

  • Standard Features

Applets available (project based, apply additional charges):
PKI / Digital Signature
Basic Access Control (BAC) and Extended Access Control (EAC) BAC/EAC 1.11
EAC 2.03 / Supplementary Access Control (SAC)
National ID
International Driving License
European Health Insurance Card
Vehicle Registration
FingerPrint Match on Card
European Citizen Card (Base and French Profile)
One Time Password

  • Technical Specifications

Java Card version 3.0.1 Classic
GlobalPlatform 2.2.1
GP Secure Channel Protocol SCP01 / 02 / 03
Delegated management Yes
Secure box Yes
EEPROM (KByte) 80
CMOS technology CMOS14
eGovernment and banking performance
BAC (20 kByte read) ask for an NDA (
EAC (36 kByte read) ask for an NDA (
MasterCard PayPass M/Chip4 (performance comparison) ask for an NDA (
DES/TDES [bit] 56/112/168
AES [bit] 256
RSA [bit] 2048
ECC GF(p) [bit] 320
Point Addition (PACE) Yes
Certifications and approvals
EMVCo hardware approval Yes
EMVCo platform approval Yes
VISA approvals Yes
MasterCard PIC (TAS & CAST) Yes
Common Criteria (VAN5) EAL 5+ (4+ with DESFire option)
Requests for customized ATR are welcome;
Standard cards initiated with the following standard ATR:
3B F9 13 00 00 81 31 FE 45 4A 43 4F 50 32 34 32 52 32 A3
Initial character:
TS = 3B –> Using Direct Convention
Format byte:
T0 = F9
– Y1 = 0F –> Interface Bytes Transmitted: TA1 TB1 TC1 TD1
– K = 09 –> # Historical Bytes = 9
Interface bytes:
TA1 = 13
– Fi / Di = 372 / 4 : Baudrate at 3.5712 MHz = 38400 bps
TB1 = 00
– VPP is not electrically connected
TC1 = 00
– Extra guard time integer (N) = 0
TD1 = 81
– Y1 + 1 = 08 –> Interface Bytes Transmitted: TD2
– Protocol T = 1
TD2 = 31
– Y2 + 1 = 03 –> Interface Bytes Transmitted: TA3 TB3
– Protocol T = 1
TA3 = FE
– IFSC : 254
TB3 = 45
– BWI = 4 , CWI = 5
Historical bytes: 4A 43 4F 50 32 34 32 52 32
Check Byte:
TCK = A3