CardOS V6.0

CardOS V6.0 is a multifunctional native smart card operating system, which is expandable by customized packages to amend or adjust the operating system functionality. In addition the authentication framework is a flexible option to realize authentication protocols by using configuration data. By supporting NFC, CardOS V6.0 is suited for logical access with mobile devices. CardOS V6.0 offer state-of-the-art crypto algorithms with AES, SHA-2 and elliptic curves. CardOS API (available separately) is the Eviden middleware providing seamless integration to standard applications on Windows, Linux and macOS.

CardOS V6.0 Datasheet

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Basic Features

    • Contact-based interface according to ISO/IEC 7816,
    • Contactless interfaces in accordance with ISO/IEC 14443 Type A (default) or Type B,
    • ISO/IEC 7816 compatible commands,
    • Compatibility with the most important international standards providing long-term security for integration in standardized environments (readers, applications, etc.),
    • Expandability of the operating system with the subsequent addition of software packages,
    • Integrity protection of all active software packages preventing the use of corrupt software,
    • “Command chaining” in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816-4,
    • A dynamic, flexible file system based on ISO/IEC 7816-4 with the following characteristics:

      – Number of files and folders with any depth of nesting limited only by the storage capacity of the chip,
      – Support of Short File IDs,
      – Dynamic memory management for optimal utilization of the available EEPROM,
      – Protection mechanisms against EEPROM defects, power failure, and card tearing,
      – Flexible Memory Management for RAM and EEPROM,

    • Support of CV (card verifiable) certificates:

      – Extraction and use of the public key directly from the certificate,
      – Verification of standalone certificates and certificate chains.

Cryptographic Functions

    • Symmetric Algorithms:

      – Triple DES (CBC) with ISO padding,
      – Triple DES MAC (also called Retail MAC) with ISO or ANSI padding,
      – AES (CBC) with key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bit,
      – AES CMAC according to NIST SP 800-38B.

    • Asymmetric Algorithms:

      – RSA based on CRT with and without a specified public exponent, with key length up to 4096 bit,
      – PKCS#1-BT1 or PKCS#1-BT2 padding,
      – PSS and OAEP padding according to PKCS#1 V2.1,
      – Elliptic Curve Cryptography based on GF(p) with key length up to 521 bit.

    • Calculation of cryptographic hash values with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512,
    • Creation and verification of digital signatures with RSA and ECDSA,
    • Internal generation and import of externally generated RSA and EC keys,
    • Secured key import with Secure Messaging,
    • EC Key Agreement of ElGamal Type (ECKAEG) and support of EC Key Agreement with Diffie-Hellman (ECKA-DH),
    • Flexible derivation of session keys,
    • True random number generator with AIS31 class DRG.4 or PTG.3.

Communication Protocols
Transmission Protocol According to ISO/IEC:

    • T=1 (ISO/IEC 7816-3) and T=CL (ISO/IEC 14443-4 protocol Type A or B),
    • Support of extended length APDUs according to ISO/IEC 7816-4,
    • Up to four logical channels,
    • Support of protocol parameter selection (PPS),
    • Support of WTX (Waiting Time eXtension),
    • Fast, selectable card communication:

      – Contact-based with up to 446 kbaud as per ISO/IEC 7816-3,
      – Contactless with up to 848 kbaud.

    • Pseudo-Unique PICC Identifier (PUPI),
    • Card Identifier (CID) Handling,
    • NFC Tag Type 4.

Hardware Platform
CardOS V6.0 is based on the innovative digital security technology ‘Integrity Guard’ from Infineon and is implemented on the SLC52 security controller platform using SOLID FLASHTM. SOLID FLASHTM products offer significant added value, such as increased logistic flexibility and faster time to market.

CardOS V6.0 is available on the SLC52GDA448 chip, providing approximately 104 kByte of user memory. It is available in wafer form, as a COM10.8 module with Coil on Module technology (DI, dual interface), as an MCS8 module (CL, contactless), or as a smart card in ID-1 format (DI and CL).

As a pure contact-based (CB) product, CardOS V6.0 is available as an S-MID4.8 module or as a smart card in ID-1, ID-000, or Micro-SIM format.

Initialization and Personalization
The initialization and personalization procedures facilitate cost-efficient production of the CardOS V6.0 cards as well as high performance, highly secure modification of existing applications and the addition of new applications in the field.

    • Support of independent personalization for individual applications,
    • Integrated security concept for initialization and personalization.

ICAO and eID Support
CardOS V6.0 provides support for ePassport and eID features according to ICAO Doc 9303 and BSI TR-03110:

    • Basic Access Control (BAC),
    • Extended Access Control (EACv1):

      – Chip Authentication (CA) with ECDH and DH,
      – Terminal Authentication (TA) with ECDSA and RSA,

    • Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACEv2):

      – PACE with ECDH and DH,
      – Generic Mapping (GM), Integrated Mapping (IM), and Chip Authentication Mapping (PACE-CAM, with ECDH),

    • Active Authentication with ECDSA and RSA,
    • Restricted Identification (RI) with ECDH.

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