The ACR123U Intelligent Contactless Reader is compliant and certified with major payment and safety standards such as MasterCard®, Visa, EMV Level 1 and EMV Level 2.
Comprehensive SDK—This SDK enables the ACR123U to be used and integrated to various POS Terminals. The ACR123U supports Master Card PayPass, VISA payWave, and other ISO 14443 cards. This SDK provides sample codes for device and contactless card programming in the Linux and Windows platforms, and supports programming languages including MS Visual C++, MS Visual C#.NET, and Linux GTK C++.
Payment Demo—The ACR123U SDK provides a demo for the payment functionalities of the ACR123U. By using the JCOP cards provided, which emulate a valid (non-expired card) and invalid card (expired card), the demo shows the various responses of the payment kernel loaded in the ACR123U to various payment scenarios. It also has a manual to explain the various payment functionalities of the ACR123U.